I am yet to know a girl who doesn't own that one article of clothing she bought with a gleam in her eyes but ended up wearing just once. Now keeping aside the size or uncomfortable, impractical fabric issues, what is in play here? Why separate so soon? Can't we try just one more time to get to know each other? What prompts boredom of this magnitude?
I never even thought about this till it happened to me. This red dress right here that you see in this blog post is something I wore just once. No idea why? Was it the red? No? Was it the cut? No. Was it uncomfortable? A resounding no! I guess I just felt like I was someone else.
My sister has happily taken this dress. But even today, I wonder if I am too fickle. Why grow out of something so fast? Guess I will never know. The one thing I know is that it was good while it lasted. Hence the happy pictures.